What is a Collaborative Divorce?

A collaborative divorce is a process of dissolving a marriage that emphasizes cooperation, open communication, and problem-solving to reach a mutually acceptable settlement without resorting to traditional court litigation. In a collaborative divorce, both spouses, along with their respective attorneys and sometimes other professionals, commit to working together to find a resolution that meets the needs and interests of all parties involved.

Key Features of a Collaborative Divorce:

  • Voluntary Participation: Collaborative divorces require the voluntary participation of both spouses. They must agree to resolve their issues through the collaborative process and commit to avoiding court litigation.
  • Team Approach: Each spouse is represented by a collaborative divorce attorney who is specially trained in the collaborative process. In addition, the spouses may also involve other professionals, such as financial experts, mental health counselors, or child specialists, as needed.
  • Open Communication: The collaborative divorce process encourages open and transparent communication between spouses and their attorneys. It fosters a cooperative atmosphere, which can lead to more effective problem-solving and creative solutions.
  • No Court Intervention: Throughout the collaborative process, the parties agree not to go to court or threaten litigation and instead seek mediation. If the collaborative process fails, and court litigation becomes necessary, both attorneys must withdraw from the case, and new attorneys will be retained for the court proceedings.
  • Focus on Interests and Solutions: Collaborative divorce shifts the focus from positions and demands to the underlying interests and needs of each spouse. The goal is to find solutions that work for both parties and prioritize the well-being of any children involved.
  • Flexibility and Control: Collaborative divorce allows the spouses to have more control over the process and the outcome. They have the freedom to design their settlement based on their unique circumstances, rather than having a court-imposed judgment.

Benefits of Collaborative Divorce:

  • Reduces conflict and animosity between the spouses.
  • Preserves privacy, as the negotiations are not conducted in a public court setting.
  • Can be more cost-effective compared to lengthy court battles.
  • Allows for creative and customized solutions that suit the specific needs of the family.

Collaborative divorce may not be suitable for all situations, particularly in cases where there is a history of domestic violence or when one spouse is uncooperative. However, for couples willing to work together and commit to an amicable resolution, a collaborative divorce can be an effective and respectful way to navigate the divorce process.

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How Much Is It?

A deposit is required to book a mediation or 1-hour consultation appointment.

All deposits paid at the time of booking are deducted from the total invoice billed to the client after the appointment.

View the toggle menu for detailed pricing and deposit information for both our 1-hour consultations and mediation services below.

Consultation Fees

Consultation Fees

The regular hourly rate for Consultation is $300 but the first 30 minutes are FREE!*

Consultations are *FREE for the first 30-min and $300/hour after.

Deposit Information

  • Consultations are *FREE for the first 30-min and $300/hour after.
  • The deposit to book is only $75 for all consultations.
  • If needing to cancel or reschedule, clients must give at least 24 hours notice.
  • The deposit is nonrefundable if the client does not give more than 24 hours notice.
  • The deposit is 100% refundable if the consultation is under 30 min.
Mediation Fees

Mediation Fees

The regular hourly rate for Mediation is $250 for the first two hours and then $250/hour thereafter with a 2-hour minimum. This rate shall apply to the mediator’s time involved in preparation, conferences, writing memoranda, consulting with attorneys, responding to requests for release of information or any other time including travel spent on our behalf.

For families of modest means, Sandi offers reduced rates equivalent to Hillsborough County Mediation and Diversion Services based on verified combined family income as stated below:

  • $120 for the first two hours then $120/hr. for combined incomes less than $50,000 per year.
  • $200 for the first two hours then $200/hr. for combined incomes between $50,000-$100,000 per year.
  • Reduced rates for families with combined income greater than $100,000 per year and/or significant assets will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Deposit Information

  • The deposit to book is only $120 for all mediations.
  • If needing to cancel or reschedule, clients must give at least 24 hours notice.
  • The deposit is nonrefundable if the client does not give more than 24 hours notice.
  • The deposit is applied and deducted from the total invoice for the mediation appointment after determining income eligibility for the reduced rates.

Want to learn more about what mediation entails?
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